
Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) is a non-denominational, evangelical graduate school dedicated to serve the Church in all branches by preparing its leaders through a program of graduate theological education. RTS' primary theological distinctives are a commitment to historic Reformed theology and the Bible as God's inerrant Word. RTS was founded in Jackson, Mississippi and also has campuses in Orlando, Florida, Washington D.C. and Charlotte, North Carolina. RTS in Jackson (also famously known as the Belcher Campus) currently offers academic degrees in Master of Divinity, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling and Doctor of Ministry.

Dr. J. Ligon Duncan, III was appointed as the Chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary last August 2013. He was the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at RTS in Jackson and was responsible for teaching courses as Systematic Theology, Ethics, Apologetics, History of Philosophy and Christian Thought, Covenant Theology, Patristics, Evangelism and Theology of the Westminster Standards. Dr. Duncan is also the Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church where he has served for the past 17 years.

Guy L. Richardson serves as the current President of RTS in Jackson.